My Scribblings
I shall not subject you to my poetry, but here are links to therapy-oriented dissertations and book articles I have written.
The Science of Recovery: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in addiction recovery
Du Toit, E.M. (2011). The Science of Recovery: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in addiction recovery. In B. Hutton (Ed.). Recovery RSA: A Resource Book for Those Affected by Addiction (pp111-148). Auckland Park, RSA: Stonebridge Books.
Relapse Prevention in Recovery
Du Toit, E.M. (2011). Relapse Prevention in Recovery. In B. Hutton (Ed.). Recovery RSA: A Resource Book for Those Affected by Addiction (pp151-168). Auckland Park, RSA: Stonebridge Books.
Drinking motives predict alcohol-related problems
ABSTRACT. Objective: Motives for drinking have been linked to alcohol consumption patterns as well as alcohol related problems. This model bypasses the ambiguous negative-personal/positive-social classification by dividing motives into mature and immature. Motivational models for drinking also need to have predictive power independent of other variables associated with alcohol related problems. This study replicates and extends that of Carey and Correia (1997) by evaluating the relationship between drinking motives and alcohol- related problems, after accounting for high- risk consumption and gender. Method: Subjects are 354 male and female nightclub goers, selected randomly from 8 Cape Town nightclubs, who filled in 3 self- report inventories. Results. Hierarchical regression techniques revealed that gender, consumption and drinking motives accounted for 43.8% of the variance in problem drinking. Gender was not significant in the complete model. Alcohol consumption was found to mediate the relationship between drinking motives and drinking problems, but drinking motives were found to also have significant unique predictive power. Conclusions: Drinking motives were found to operate indirectly and/both directly to account for drinking problems.
If you would like to read the full honours dissertation from which this abstract comes, please contact me here.
Victim empowerment trauma manual
Chapter One: Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress
Chapter Two: Child Abuse (Complex Trauma)
Chapter Three: Trauma Counselling Model
Chapter Four: Coping Strategies, Anger Management, Relaxation Techniques, and Bereavement
This manual is available upon request.
Using MMPI-2 to predict criminal responsibility
Du Toit, E.M. An evaluation of the MMPI-2 using South African pre-trial forensic patients: prediction of criminal responsibility and assessment of personality characteristics. (Accession no. 35708894) [Masters Dissertation, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa]
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