What is life coaching?

People use life coaching to start new businesses, make career transitions, re-evaluate life choices or simply make timely changes to their personal and professional lives. Whether you are a corporate executive, a small business owner, a student, an artist, a stay-at-home mom or a retiree, you can join the many who benefit from a coaching relationship. Life coaching is an investment towards overcoming roadblocks, recalibrating vision and intentions, finding a strong inner core in authenticity as well as actualising your greatest successes and satisfactions.

Examples of life coaching include:

  • Helping individuals to discover their deepest motivations and clearest visions, paving paths and developing habits for true success.
  • Helping independent professionals find streamlined performance and cost-effective management, and actualise profound personal results over the long term.
  • Helping entrepreneurs find core leadership insights that give strength, continuity and a better bottom line to their efforts, finding time for deep satisfaction in the process.
  • Helping leaders develop higher levels of emotional intelligence, find an ability to be resilient to rapid change, and to experience outstanding results with their teams.

How does coaching differ from psychotherapy?

There is a big overlap between the de facto practice of coaching and psychotherapy. In theory, though, psychotherapy looks at addressing far-reaching emotional issues, often created in the past, while coaching helps often high-functioning clients address specific work- or life-related issues. Then again, many psychotherapy clients are high functioning, and clients struggling with psychopathology also need life coaching.

One way of separating the two is that a coach helps you explore who you are, what you really want and ‘how’ to attain it. This is achieved as the coach holds you in a field of exploration through questioning, listening, reflecting, clarification and suggestions. Coaching focuses less on why things came to be the way they are, and more on your current tendencies, skills, needs, values, what has not been working and how this can be changed. Of course, the ‘why’ question often still comes up in coaching, and since its answer tends to fall more into the field of psychotherapy, having a psychologist for a life coach can be doubly advantageous.

Some benefits of life coaching

  • discovery of core values
  • profound and long-lasting change
  • personal infrastructure to support success
  • peace of mind and congruity in life
  • experience of freedom and true choice
  • small steps and giant strides
  • increased satisfaction and fulfilment
  • personal and professional growth
  • success as you define it
  • forward movement
  • continual reinforcement of achievements
  • effective focus and encouragement

Life skills you can develop through coaching

  • learning to set goals to achieve your ambitions
  • working with structure
  • monitoring and self-correction
  • self-growth
  • balancing all aspects of your life
  • communication skills
  • conflict-management skills
  • building confidence and self-esteem
  • self-empowerment

Contact me today if you are ready to enlist the help and motivation of a coach!




How do I get help for myself or my loved one?

The first step in getting help is finding out whether you have a problem. A trained clinical psychologist can effectively perform a professional assessment, which will identify whether you have any problem areas, and will recommend the treatment most appropriate for you if necessary.

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Alcohol / Drug Dependence

Alcohol / Drug Dependence

Alcohol or Drug Dependence (addiction) occurs when an individual develops a particular neurochemical response to a mood-altering substance. It should not be confused with the chemical effect that each different drug has on an individual.

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Visit our Tools for Health & Wellness site where we attempt to move away from a focus on psychopathology and rather throw more light on the path to health. This site is designed to help you get quality advice on a wide range of physical and psychological health and wellness topics. It promotes the idea of creating broad-based health throughout your life, and acknowledges that in order to maximise happiness and reduce stress both your physical and psychological wellbeing need to be encouraged.

Tools for Health and Wellness is designed for everyone! It is intended for those of you doing really well in your lives and just looking to tweak one or two things to maximise this amazing life experience. Equally, it has been created for those of you who are currently struggling and are looking for more in-depth help with particular issues.

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