Products and Free Tools

Products will be coming soon. Read more about the Free Tools below.

Free Assessment Tools

From measuring how many calories your body burns up every day, to discerning the amount of anxiety that you are currently experiencing, to non-mood altering alternatives for common OTC and prescription mood-altering drugs.

Simply put, these calculators on Tools for Health and Wellness (sneak peak below) are designed to help you educate and monitor your physical and psychological health and evaluate your lifestyle. These tools can be freely used over and over again in order to enable you to maximize your life experience and track your progress.

Please note that although many of these tools are formal diagnostic tools, they are not designed in this context to provide definitive diagnoses.

TFHAW Assessment Tools cards

Want to explore psycho-educational articles?


Visit our Tools for Health & Wellness site where we attempt to move away from a focus on psychopathology and rather throw more light on the path to health. This site is designed to help you get quality advice on a wide range of physical and psychological health and wellness topics. It promotes the idea of creating broad-based health throughout your life, and acknowledges that in order to maximise happiness and reduce stress both your physical and psychological wellbeing need to be encouraged.

Tools for Health and Wellness is designed for everyone! It is intended for those of you doing really well in your lives and just looking to tweak one or two things to maximise this amazing life experience. Equally, it has been created for those of you who are currently struggling and are looking for more in-depth help with particular issues.

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